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NagellD Logo
Mini-cube Animated
Serge_Ferrari_mico to end_CLEAN.mov_snapshot_01.15.844.jpg

About Us

NagellD AS was started by Helge Bjordal in 2011. He has worked with digital design since 1987 and digital animation since 1992. The company has grown from a small office in Alver to also having offices in Bergen, Stavanger and Porsgrunn. The head office is currently located at Damsgård in Bergen and continues to grow in the number of employees and jobs.

We have specialized in delivering visual content within the energy, aquaculture and maritime industries as we have work with these areas since the beginning. We also do some work with construction, as well as technical product presentations and innovation presentations.

The name
NagellD comes from the old family name Nagell with a D at the end for Digital. It is pronounced "Nagell-D".


Helge Bjordal

Helge Bjordal



Torleif Høyvik

CCO / Commercial Director

Our team consists of 10 full-time employees including background from 3D animation

and digital design.

Team Leads

Bjørnar Johansen

Bjørnar Johansen

Project Manager

René Haugsbakk

René Haugsbakk

Lead Animation & Viz

Robin Fosse

Robin Fosse

Lead XR Developement

Animasjon & Viz Team

NagellD Cube

Eranda Perera

3D & Compositing

NagellD Cube

Knut Kausland

3D Artist

Daniel Natland

Daniel Natland

3D Artist

XR Team

NagellD Cube

Marko Stojčević

Software Developer

NagellD Cube

Thomas Hetland

Unreal Dev. - Technical Designer

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